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Meet Cambrie

You would never know it today, but Cambrie was born with multiple heart defects that required immediate attention. Cambrie was able to receive specialized care at The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital (BBCH). Keep reading to hear Cambrie’s story, told by her mom Kiara.

Cambrie was born on January 12, 2013. She was born with a few heart defects that were found on ultrasound at my 20 week prenatal appointment. Her first surgery took place at 2 days old to reconstruct her Coarctation valve and have a band put around her pulmonary valve to keep everything flowing as it should, given she still had a hole in her heart as well. After surgery, Cambrie recovered for 5 days in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) and 2 days in the BBCH inpatient unit. We returned back to BBCH just a week after arriving home due to an infection. BBCH became our home for 2.5 weeks while Cambrie received antibiotics through a pic-line in her groin.

At a year and a half old, Cambrie returned to the operating room for her second open heart surgery. This surgery was to close the muscular hole and put a device in place, given the hole never started to close on its own like we had wished it would. This stay was our longest and hardest on our family and Cambrie. Cambrie struggled during recovery, which led to having a breathing tube in for a week vs overnight like we had planned, her surgeon was called back to her PICU room to elevate her and all her levels. Her brain activity wasn’t where it should have been, but we always knew she was in the best hands. After our week in the PICU hoping she’d start to improve, we finally moved to the BBCH inpatient unit for 2 weeks before heading home.

Our whole team of doctors, nurses and staff wanted nothing more than to get us back home. If I had the smallest concern, it was addressed. If I was scared, frustrated, really any emotion, someone in BBCH was there to listen and find a way to make the situation better.

Today, Cambrie is a pretty active 8 year old. She rides horses, skis, does gymnastics and also wrestles! One of the proudest moments thus far was watching Cambrie talk to her school about her special heart. She went from hiding her scars at all cost, to standing proudly with her heart valve donor’s mom and dad who flew in from AR, to telling her story and how she’s able to do all things just like her friends!

Just a few days before this past Christmas, Cambrie had a trip to the ER after a bit of rough playing with her older brother. It’s amazing how after 8 years, we had a nurse tending to Cambrie who also tended to her in the BBCH inpatient unit! She remembered Cambrie and stood by her side talking with her while she received a few stitches in her lip! It’s times like this where I’m reminded of how amazing BBCH is! How patients and their families aren’t just another number. Each patient means so much to the doctors, nurses and staff, but they don’t know how much of an impact they make not only on the patients but their families either!

Watch Cambrie’s story here: Baby Heart Transplant – YouTube

Cambrie is thriving today thanks to the specialized care she received at The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital. Become a Miracle Maker today by clicking the Donate Now button below to help support Maine’s sick and injured kids, like Cambrie.


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