Watch now: BBCH Invests in Therapeutic Hypothermia Program Thanks to Community Support
Meet Evan.
It was a worst-case scenario: Mom Chelsea was birthing in an outlying hospital in Maine when a sudden labor complication caused Evan’s heart rate to drop. Realizing the severity of the situation, Chelsea’s medical team contacted The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital (BBCH), and Angel 1 rushed to pick up Evan.
Evan was immediately placed on Therapeutic Hypothermia (TH), a neuroprotective treatment that reduces an infant’s body temperature to prevent brain damage. Along with her incredible BBCH NICU team, neonatal neurologist Alexa Craig, MD, monitored Evan during his stay in the NICU.
Maine is the most rural state in America, and many children are born in outlying birthing hospitals, like Evan. BBCH is committed to supporting Maine’s remote birthing hospitals by working with their care team members to identify high-risk situations that require specialized treatment, like TH.
This year, we are happy to announce that BBCH purchased new TH cooling technology for our transport team to ensure all high-risk deliveries in Maine are supported. Our community fully funded this expansion. Thank you for your generous support of BBCH. You truly help make miracles possible.
We hope you take a moment to learn more about Evan’s story and the TH program below.