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Meet Adam!

Adam was born via an emergency c-section in October 2019, at just 24 weeks and 5 days old. He weighed 2 pounds and six ounces when he arrived in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital (BBCH). Adam’s mom, Jordan, shares that as scary as it was, she was thankful to be at BBCH, “it was so reassuring and comforting that we were in the right place.”

In the NICU, Adam had a trach placed to help him breathe, as well as a g tube (feeding tube) to ensure he got the nutrition he needed to grow. Eventually, Adam was transferred from BBCH to Franciscan Children’s, spending the first 13 months of his life hospitalized. Finally, in December 2020, Adam got to go home for the first time, just in time to celebrate his second Christmas!

Adam is now 4 years old, and has had about 30 procedures, mostly due to his airway issues. Adam has friends and fans everywhere at BBCH, from the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) to the outpatient Pediatric Specialty Care practices. He is a determined, kind and energetic kid.

Jordan explains that while he has made huge strides, Adam has also had some setbacks. “That’s the thing about Barbara Bush, they make me feel we’re going to get through it. There might be a setback, but in the end it’s all going to pay off.”

Adam is preparing to have surgery at Mass General Hospital this August: his trach will be removed! Jordan says that this will be Adam’s 36th procedure- and hopefully his last- but no matter what, their whole family will be by his side. And then, Adam will meet another big milestone at the end of the summer: when he starts school! He’s excited to go to school, and can’t wait to make new friends.