A New Milestone for the BBCH License Plate!
It’s contest time, Team BBCH! Just the other day we saw our first BBZ BBCH specialty license plate on the road. That means that we’re nearing the end of the first sequence of BBCH plates!
To explain: the Maine BMV issues license plates in alphabetical (A through Z) and numerical (101-999) order. The BBCH specialty plate started with a run of 101BBA through 999BBA. Next came 101BBB- 999BBB. The sequence continues, 101BBC-999BBC, et cetera, on through the end of the alphabet, to 101BBZ- 999BBZ.
Once we hit the very end of the alphabetical and numerical sequence with plate 999BBZ, the BMV will have to issue a new sequence of BBCH plates… and we don’t know what the starting letters will be! We are excited to find out how the new sequence will begin, but even more excited to celebrate this milestone of starting off a new sequence of BBCH plates!
As you probably know, The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital receives $10 from every new BBCH specialty plate sold, and $10 from every annual renewal. All of that adds up to make a big difference for our patients!
So… we’re hoping you all can help keep your eyes peeled in order to celebrate this “new sequence” milestone! Let us know if you spot the new sequence! And in the meantime, if you are the owner of a BBCH specialty license plate in the BBZ sequence, please send us a picture of your plate (email to GetInvolved@MaineHealth.org), and we’ll send a BBCH prize pack to the first person with a BBZ plate who replies!

Regardless of the numbers of your plate, THANK YOU to everyone who has purchased and renewed a BBCH specialty license plate. All those $10 donations really do add up, having raised more than $538,000 over the last 4 years, all to help the patients and families cared for at BBCH!
And as always, a great big thank you to Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution, our Premier Specialty Plate Sponsor!